How to Share Private Pics on

Private photos are photos members have uploaded to their profile that remain private (unviewable) unless they give access to specific members to view them. 

To view another member’s private photos, you need to receive permission from them. Here is how to request access:

  1. Visit the member’s profile.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the “Lock” icon button.
  3. Click the button, and a new window will appear asking if you want to request access to their private photos. Click “OK” to proceed.
  4. In the “Guys” section of the site you will find the option “Photo Access” where you can view all the photos currently unlocked to you from other members.

How Do I Share My Private Photos With Other Members?

To share your private photos with another member via “Chat”, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the member’s profile.
  2. Initiate a “IM Chat”
  3. A new window will open.
  4. On the right side of the window, there will be a menu with more options for you to select from
  5. Click the “Share my private pics” to share with this member.
  6. Repeat the same process and select “Hide my Private Pics” to unshare access.

To share your private photos with another member via “Email”, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the member’s profile.
  2. Compose a new “Email”
  3. A new window will open.
  4. On the bottom of the window, there will be a few options for you to select from 
  5. Click the “Unlock my private photos” to share with this member.
  6. Repeat the same process and select “Hide my Private Pics” to unshare access.

Managing Photo Permissions

To manage the permissions for your private photos, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “List Management” and then select “Photos Shared List.”
  2. A new window will open, displaying a list of all the members who currently have permission to view your private photos.
  3. To remove permission for a specific member, click the “Hide Private Pics” 
  4. Finally, click “Submit” at the bottom of the window to save the changes. The member will no longer have access to your private photos.

How Long Do Photo Permissions Last?

Once you receive permission to view another member’s private photos, you can access them for the next 7 days. The same applies when you grant permission to someone else to view your private photos. They will be able to see your private photos for the next 7 days after permission is granted.

Please note: You can revoke your permission for other members to view your private pics at any time before the 7 days are up. You do not have to wait until the end of the 7-day period to do so.