How do I cancel my Fan Club Membership auto-renewal billing?

If you choose to turn off membership auto-renewal, you will become a Basic Member at the end of your current paid Fan Club Membership and your unlimited features will be subject to Basic Membership limitations. If you change your mind, you can always turn your auto-renewal back on.
  • Login on 
  • From the side menu, navigate to the Account Settings menu and then select Membership.
  • To cancel your auto-renewal click on the Account Preferences link and then follow the on-screen prompts to go through the steps to turn off auto-renewal.

To confirm that you have finished the steps and your auto-renewal is switched off, please check your account settings to ensure that it says "Membership Auto-Renewal is: OFF".

Once you have switched off your auto-renewal you will receive a Mail to confirm. If you did not receive an internal mail message, please follow the above steps again before creating a helpdesk ticket.

Remember if you change your mind and decide you don't want to loose your Fan Club Membership access, visit the account settings page and use the toggle to switch on auto-renewal.