Message Boards are an area for you to openly discuss anything and everything related to sex, cruising, and our community. Whether you want to arrange a hook up, ask questions, share your experiences, or discuss hot issues, this is the place to get the discussion started!

General Information

Once submitted, a posting cannot be edited or deleted. If a posting is incorrect or no longer applies, the submitting user can alert members by posting an addendum to the original message.

The Read / Post feature is a quick link directly into the Message Boards posted in your area. To get right into the discussion, click the "Message Boards" tab at the top of your screen, and then select "Read / Post" from the drop-down menu.

This will take you to a list of discussion topics and threads in your local area. Your local area is whatever region your profile is set to. For instance, if your profile is set up in Melbourne, Australia, clicking "Read / Post" will show you Message Boards in Melbourne.

Reading Topics in Other Locations

If you want to read Message Boards in other areas, or want to expand your search area (to see discussions for all of Australia, for example) just click on the "Target Search" button at the top of the Read / Post page. Then, select a different search geography on the Target Search page.

Message Board Replies

To post a reply to a comment, just click the "Reply" button next to the comment you want to reply to. A new text box will open. When you enter your comment, press submit and the page will refresh to show your comment a the top. Fan Club Members can also sort comments to see previous comments from a specific user, or by date. The Boards are your space to talk about whatever you want. We try to keep them as free and uncensored as possible, but we also want them to be an enjoyable place for everyone. So please keep our ‘Guidelines’ in mind when posting, or your ability to post replies or new topics might be suspended.

Please note: Not every post is reviewed by admin before it goes on the site. As a result, you might see something that you feel should not be posted to the site. If this is the case, please report it for admin review by clicking on the "Report to Moderator" icon. customer service will review any content that is reported by our members, so please report any material in the Message Boards that concerns you, and will check it out asap. It's the best way to keep that feature enjoyable for everyone.

Submit a New Message Board Post

To submit a new topic, just click the "Message Boards" tab at the top of your screen, and then select "Submit Topics" from the drop-down menu. Choose the area you want to post your topic to, and then give it a headline. Enter your message Board Post, and click submit. Keep in mind, you can choose to be notified in a number of ways when someone responds to your topic.